Saturday, February 24, 2007

Emergent Before Missional

I came across this quote on Alan Hirch's blog: The Forgotten Ways.
I think largely because they like the idea of emerging church but don’t want to bother about mission as the organizing principle of the church. They emerge before they get missional. And it is this aspect of the ‘emerging church’ that does worry me–much of it (by no means all) seems to me to be a re-configuration of the inhereted forms of the church and its worship.
I have read a good deal about these two terms, but have never thought of them having a sequential aspect. Why don't people tell you this stuff when you are starting a church?

Anyone up for a cup of coffee in the next couple weeks?

1 comment:

+ simonas said...

Hi David, I am planning to be in Vilnius next weekend, so having a brakfast cup of coffee together sounds wonderful, especially if we talk about the mission of the Church. One way or another, I'm up for it.